2017 is winding down fast and holiday activities begin next weekend. There are so many things to do in our community in the weeks leading to Christmas such as a Ferry Wheel, the largest outdoor display of Christmas trees, and the world’s tallest living Christmas tree. Here is your holiday guide for the North Shore.
According to the U. S. National Weather Service’s climate prediction centre says there is a 65-75% chance that conditions will lead to another snowy winter in the west coast of North America. Last week we got a little taste of what is coming. The weather is not perfect right now, but there is still time to prepare for what may be in the cards for t...
Winter is here, just look at the mountains. Today is the first cold day of the season; you are probably dressed warmer than last week and have started the heater at home. Now please take a second and imagine being outdoors for endless hours a day without proper gear. Take it one step further and imagine being homeless during this winter. The need h...